
Can You Eat Raw Steak? Is It Even Safe?

Raw beef steak can be safe to eat IF (with emphasis) they meet some guidelines. But, it’s true that you should not eat pork or chicken steak, whether raw or rare. Salmonella bacteria and his crew are the killjoys for weight loss enthusiasts who like the idea of raw steak diets. As a chef, pitmaster, […]

Porterhouse vs T-bone Steaks: Unmasking the Differences

For me, the porterhouse steak is the better cut because it has a thicker fillet which is also juicier than T-bones. However, you can’t argue that both porterhouse and T-bone steaks belong in the premier class when you’re out to have the best lean steaks.  As a pitmaster, you can’t escape this dilemma. You’re at […]

How to Cook Sizzle Steak (Without Burning Your Fingers)

Who doesn’t like a thinly sliced sizzle steak? But here’s a quick question. Can you handle a sizzle steak recipe yourself? Or perhaps, you’ve tried it once and ended up asking, why is my steak tough and chewy? Yes, it’s true that sizzle steaks are taken from a cut that is tough, dry, and chewy. […]

Porterhouse Vs Ribeye: Which Is Our Favorite Cut?

Steak lovers have pitted these two cuts of beef against each other incessantly. Each side insists that their favorite cut is the better choice for dinner and rightly so since porterhouse and ribeye are exceptional prime choices for a meal. I love beef, which is why I have cooked and eaten beef on a daily […]

Using Mustard on Brisket | Does It Make Any Difference?

Should you use a mustard binder or not when smoking brisket? This is a new, commonly-asked question among BBQ circles. Opinions are split on whether it keeps the rub on, makes a prettier bark, and help enhance the natural meat flavors or not. I personally think there’s not a big difference. I have been smoking […]

Ribeye Vs. New York Strip: Which is Better?

I like ribeye more than New York strip, but taste is subjective. Ribeye and New York strip steak are similar because they’re both from the back of the cow. They’re different cuts from the same muscle of the steer, the longissimus dorsi. Ribeye is packed with beefy flavor, while the NY strip is slightly more […]

Ribeye vs Prime Rib: Is There Any Difference?

Both the prime ribs and the ribeye are flavorful steak cuts because of where they’re taken from (along the cow’s ribs). However, the prime rib is considered a little more flavorful because of the higher fat content and the rib bones. And guess what? It’s cheaper than the ribeye! I’ve had a lot of beef […]

Insanely Good Pastrami Rub Recipe: An Easy Guide

A pastrami sandwich is one of the most delicious meals on the planet without question. Great pastrami is made possible by a well-balanced generous coating of the dry rub. My personal favorite is a heavily tangy sour flavor that’s lighter on the hot and sweet qualities. I have been making smoked pastrami for decades now […]

Grilling a Chuck Eye Steak: Your Guide to Going Pro

As a professional chef, I have been taught the perfect way to prepare a steak. I even have experience in grilling a chuck eye steak and I would like to share my wisdom with you! In this post I will show you how to prep, season, grill, sear, and baste your steak. Prepare to enjoy […]

Pork vs Beef: Which Is Healthier for Us?

First up, I must warn you that there is unlikely to be a clear-cut winner in this pork vs. beef comparison. Even if it comes from the same animal, meat is not just meat. Which cut ends up on the plate, how it was prepared, and who eats it are just a few variables in […]

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